Conference Pre-reading: Design Thinking Primer

As you know, each session at the conference will utilize the design thinking framework to facilitate conversations to address the challenge(s) presented by the particular organization. We have put together a collection of readings and videos on design thinking to help prepare for the conference. We will be using the methodology followed in the Design Thinker simulation, which was developed by ExperiencePoint (a simulation company) in collaboration with IDEO, a globally renowned design firm. Our session facilitator, Drew Marshall, suggests that conference participants review the following materials prior to the conference to ensure that all of us get the most out of each session, and that we collectively meet the conference and session objectives.


First NLS Academy/Industry Leadership Conference

The Network of Leadership Scholars’ first conference is taking shape, and the conference is designed to meet our objective of generating joint research partnerships that provide: (a) participating companies and public sector institutions with the opportunities to apply the knowledge and research of the world’s best leadership experts in developing the potential of their staff and their business; and (b) academics with the opportunities to conduct high impact research with long-term developmental and publications outcomes.
